
Opere recenti









                                        LELLO ZITO

                                           Painter Artist





            Lello Zito was born in Pomigliano d’Arco (Naples) in 1946. He lives and works in Sorrento.

Zito first started his artistic career in the 1960s in the field of advertising graphics, and later devoted himself entirely teaching and painting.

After a period of geometricising abstractionism, he shifted towards intertwining tubular forms in pen and coloured inks. This was followed by a long period in the 1970s when the artist used surreal realism to create landscapes and interiors, all made exclusively in acrylics and oils. Then came the 1980s, and Zito was deep into hyperrealism. His work zoomed in on the human body, offering anatomical details in unusual close-up perspectives, leading him on towards a more complete and meticulous analysis of the human being and of our inner dilemmas.

At the moment his landscape is being reformulated by an inventiveness freed from any conditioning and superstructures, enabling him to create a play of colours and of contrasts and light in an imaginary vision that tells of an uncontaminated, surreal world.

Zito was a lecturer of painting disciplines in various art institutes, including the Istituto d’Arte F. Grandi in Sorrento from 1980 to 2000.
He has taken part in countless group and solo painting exhibitions, and has received many honours during his artistic career.





Interventi critici:



Rosario Pinto


Angelo Calabrese


Salvatore De Rosa


Giorgio Seveso


Cosimo Strazzeri


 Vico 2° Rota - 80067 Sorrento (NA) -  Cellulare 338/2820331 - info@lellozito.it